Healthy habit building meets social network
Healthy habit building meets social network
Healthy habit building meets social network
Healthy habit building meets social network

Side Project
Side Project
Side Project
Side Project
Engineer & Designer
Engineer & Designer
Engineer & Designer
Engineer & Designer
Accomplish is a social habit-building app for iOS. You can easily create and track habits aligned with your goals and take pictures to share your progress with friends. A fun part of this app are the ChatGPT written notifications you can send to your friends for motivation. Streaks and charts are also included to give you valuable insights.
Accomplish is a social habit-building app for iOS. You can easily create and track habits aligned with your goals and take pictures to share your progress with friends. A fun part of this app are the ChatGPT written notifications you can send to your friends for motivation. Streaks and charts are also included to give you valuable insights.
Accomplish is a social habit-building app for iOS. You can easily create and track habits aligned with your goals and take pictures to share your progress with friends. A fun part of this app are the ChatGPT written notifications you can send to your friends for motivation. Streaks and charts are also included to give you valuable insights.
Accomplish is a social habit-building app for iOS. You can easily create and track habits aligned with your goals and take pictures to share your progress with friends. A fun part of this app are the ChatGPT written notifications you can send to your friends for motivation. Streaks and charts are also included to give you valuable insights.

The app that helps you build daily habits using your social circle
The app that helps you build daily habits using your social circle
The app that helps you build daily habits using your social circle
The app that helps you build daily habits using your social circle
Initially, I built this for myself to encourage daily habits. But with the rise of apps using two-way camera, I was curious to see what a social habit tracking app might look like. I put the app on Testflight and shared it with my small group of friends during college. It quickly became our favorite way to communicate and encourage each other all year long.
Initially, I built this for myself to encourage daily habits. But with the rise of apps using two-way camera, I was curious to see what a social habit tracking app might look like. I put the app on Testflight and shared it with my small group of friends during college. It quickly became our favorite way to communicate and encourage each other all year long.
Initially, I built this for myself to encourage daily habits. But with the rise of apps using two-way camera, I was curious to see what a social habit tracking app might look like. I put the app on Testflight and shared it with my small group of friends during college. It quickly became our favorite way to communicate and encourage each other all year long.
Initially, I built this for myself to encourage daily habits. But with the rise of apps using two-way camera, I was curious to see what a social habit tracking app might look like. I put the app on Testflight and shared it with my small group of friends during college. It quickly became our favorite way to communicate and encourage each other all year long.